Wrap Around
Service Coordination

When youth and their families are working with multiple agencies at the same time it can sometimes be overwhelming. FCFC Service Coordination/WrapAround is a service planning and coordination process that brings everyone to the same planning table and where families are full partners.
FCFC Service Coordination/Wraparound is not meant to take the place of traditional case management or service coordination offered by community agencies. FCFC Service Coordination/WrapAround offers a neutrally positioned facilitator that brings together service providers and natural family supports working with the child/family to form a Family Team. The Family Team meets on a regular basis and utilizes a team approach to planning to ensure services are aligned, streamlined and coordinated.
WrapAround Service Coordination is a voluntary process that is made available at no cost to youth (ages birth through 21) who reside in Summit County and meet all of the following criteria:
• At risk of out-of-home placement due to escalating behaviors requiring repeated hospitalizations and/or deepened levels of system involvement, and
• Direct involvement with two or more of the following systems:
Behavioral Health (mental health and/o substance abuse treatment)
Summit County Children Services
Summit County Developmental Disabilities
Summit County Juvenile Court
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan
Anyone can make a referral, including a parent or young adult self-referral.
Wraparound Service Coordination Satisfaction Survey Link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TRKL6CD
For more information please refer to the FCFC Referral Guidelines or contact Tim Davidson @ 330-634-8182 or tdavidson@summitdd.org
Summit FCFC partners with Summit DD to provide early intervention service coordination. Early intervention (EI) provides family-centered services for infants and toddlers from birth to age three with a medical diagnosis or developmental delay/disability. EI is grounded in the philosophy that young children learn best from familiar people and familiar settings. That's why local EI teams work with families in their homes and other places the family spends time to develop a coordinated plan of care.
Together, parents and their intervention team will:
Discuss family interests, priorities, needs and questions
Set goals based on how the child's progress fits with what is important to the family
Create a plan to support and enhance daily child and family routines
Focus on enhancing child participation in existing and desired family, community, and early childhood experiences
TO MAKE A REFERRAL: https://www.helpmegrow.org/Refer.aspx
For more information please contact Kathy Supple @ ksupple@summitdd.org
Case Consultation
Staff from any agency may request a case consultation with the FCFC Service Review Committee (SRC) to discuss challenging issues and brainstorm solutions from a cross-system perspective.
Examples of issues may include, but is not limited to:
Challenges in meeting the needs of an individual youth/family
Difficultly in determining the appropriate level of care
System barriers/conflicts
Service gaps
For more information please refer to the FCFC Referral Guidelines or contact Stacey Garske @ 330-212-5508 or sgarske@summitdd.org
Flexible Funding for Community Based Services
Staff from any agency may request Short-term funding for community-based services or resources when no other funding source is available . It is designed to:
Provide staff with resources to develop creative and innovative ways to meet the needs of youth at significant risk for out of home placement; and
Support goals outlined in the youth/family Plan of Care
Please note that for this be a funding source; all requests must include strategies for meeting child/youth family need(s) beyond the funding request. Additionally, funds cannot be paid directly to youth or their family and they cannot be used to retroactively pay for a service and/or resource.
For more information please refer to the FCFC Referral Guidelines or contact Stacey Garske @ 330-212-5508 or sgarske@summitdd.org
Cross Systems Training
The purpose of the training is to deepen participants' knowledge of community resources, build professional networks and strengthen collaboration between agencies.
Families are better served when agencies communicate, coordinate and collaborate.
For more information contact Tim Davidson @ 330-634-8182 or tdavidson@summitdd.org